As part of our quality commitment we will always strive to provide a positive experience for clients in achieving sustainable wellness at work.
Our quality commitment is the responsibility of all staff who provide services, manage our business and teams, or provide support to our business.
Interact Injury Management is committed to ensuring the best possible service is provided to all clients who are referred for our services.
We will always strive to meet your needs when scheduling appointments and your prompt attendance at scheduled appointments will ensure timely intervention and progress towards your goals.
We will confirm any appointments with you in the method that is preferable to both you and your consultant.
This may be in writing, via email, telephone or SMS.
We may also remind you closer to your appointment date to confirm your attendance.
We understand that sometimes circumstances arise that mean you may not be able to make a scheduled appointment.
If this happens, it would be greatly appreciated if you could notify us prior to the appointment time so we may provide this time to another client.
We will reschedule your appointment when you contact us and make every effort to find a time that is suitable to you and your needs.
If you haven’t notified us that you can’t make an appointment, we may be required to notify the referring organisation or government body associated with your service.
Please be aware that continued non-attendance at appointments may result in the withdrawal of financial benefits.
Continued requests to reschedule appointments may also be perceived as failure to attend.
Interact Injury Management is a Generation Health business.
Interact aim to achieve customer satisfaction at all times.
We appreciate all feedback regarding our services, and use this feedback to celebrate our success, reward and recognise our staff, and improve our approach and services.
Whilst we aim high, we appreciate that we may not always achieve customer satisfaction.
If you wish to give feedback regarding the quality of services provided, you can contact us in writing, electronically or via telephone.
Friends, family and other organisations may also contact us on your behalf; in these circumstances Interact will continue to protect the privacy of your personal and/or sensitive information.
We will always deal with your feedback in a transparent, equitable, objective and unbiased manner. All genuine feedback will be taken seriously.
We will acknowledge receipt of expressions of dissatisfaction in writing or via telephone within 24 hours of receipt.
We aim to resolve or refer any issues of dissatisfaction within 5 working days. Your privacy and anonymity will be maintained (where requested) and there is no charge for the feedback process.
All expressions of satisfaction will be reviewed and communicated accordingly.
All expressions of dissatisfaction will be followed up by a member of Interact’s management team, and we will investigate all relevant circumstances and information surrounding the issue raised.
Our process will take into consideration the viewpoints of all parties involved and will be conducted with confidentiality, and anonymity where requested.
If Interact needs to interview you to better understand any concerns you may have, you may choose to bring a companion who may be a work colleague, family member or interested party.
Interact will provide you with written advice on the outcome of your expressions of dissatisfaction, including the findings of the investigation, any decisions arising from this and the reasons for such decisions.
In the event we are unable to assist with the resolution of your dissatisfaction, we will actively cooperate with the appropriate governing body to assist resolve the issue.
If you require clarification on any of this information, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
P 1300 618 868